Each E-Courtroom system consists of the following evidence presentation equipment:
- 52" LCD screen;
- 15 or 17 inch flat panel LCD monitor at each counsel table and on the witness stand;
- counsel lectern;
- document camera/digital presenter;
- combination DVD/VCR;
*Note: The 250th AV lectern does not include VCR capability - dedicated lectern workstation
The document camera, workstation, and combination DVD/VCR reside within the counsel lectern. The 52" LCD Screen will either be mounted on a moveable cart or mounted on the wall depending on the courtroom.
Lectern Workstation
The E-Courtroom lectern workstation is standardized between each of the nine civil District Courtrooms. As such, you will find the same workstation model in each courtroom.
The E-Courtroom lectern workstation is a desktop computer equipped with USB ports and DVD-RW/CD-RW drives. The workstation uses the Microsoft Windows 7 operating system.
52 Inch Samsung LCD display\
The LCD display is used to display evidence from the lectern.
Document Camera
Each E-Courtroom lectern is currently equipped with a Samsung SDP-900DX document camera.
Each E-Courtroom lectern is currently equipped with a Samsung V3500 DVD/VCR system.
Attorney Laptop Connections
By connecting your personal laptop to the E-Courtroom system, you may output video images from your laptop to the E-Courtroom screens (the LCD screen, the lectern monitor, the witness stand monitor, the counsel table monitors and the judge's monitor. You may also output audio from your laptop to the LCD display sound system.