The Regional Active Transportation Plan (RATP) will develop a blueprint for a safe and easy-to-use active transportation network of trails, sidewalks, bike lanes, and streets for the six-county CAMPO Region.
Plan Vision
The CAMPO region’s world-class, regionally-coordinated, and well-maintained Active Transportation network will provide safe, efficient, convenient, and comfortable walking and bicycling access to local and regional destinations for all residents and visitors.
Get Involved
One of the most important components of this plan is public input. We want to hear from you on existing bike and pedestrian facilities, safety considerations, and future priorities. See the list of upcoming meetings on the other side of this flier.
Contact Information
Kelly Porter, AICP
[email protected]
(512) 215-8225
Project Information
Website: http://bit.ly/2dsKSpx
Wiki map: http://bit.ly/2crXfUG
Survey: http://bit.ly/2gZDnJI