Office Closure
Travis County Criminal Courts will be closed on Tuesday January 21st, 2025, due to the winter weather advisory. Please contact the appropriate court on Wednesday to reschedule your hearings.
Travis County Criminal Courts will be closed on Tuesday January 21st, 2025, due to the winter weather advisory. Please contact the appropriate court on Wednesday to reschedule your hearings.
Veterans Treatment Court is a specialized court designed to meet the particular needs of the veteran community. The goal is to promote sobriety, recovery, and stability through a coordinated response that involves the cooperation and collaboration of many different levels of the Veterans Treatment Court team.
The program utilizes a non-adversarial approach in which the Veterans Court team works together with the Veteran to guide him/her toward successfully attaining their goals.
Veterans Court Administrator
Jolene Grajczyk
(512) 854-3856
This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance. The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families. For more information, visit
Eligible veteran-defendants will be diverted from traditional or other specialty courts to a specialized criminal court docket specifically crafted for them via a 12- to 24- month program. Participating veterans must suffer from a traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder, or other mental disorder, including victims of military sexual trauma that occurred during or resulted from the defendant’s military service and affected the defendant’s criminal conduct at issue in the case. The court substitutes a treatment-based problem-solving model for traditional court processing in conjunction with the Veterans Treatment Court team.