Disaster assistance may help you and members of your household who are affected by a disaster take care of necessary expenses and serious needs through resources provided by county, state, and federal agencies as well as local voluntary and non-governmental agencies.
FEMA Assistance
In the event that a county disaster has been presidentially declared a disaster area, disaster survivors living within the county may qualify for assistance from FEMA. Visit DisasterAssistance.gov to see if your area has been declared.
The Capital Area Council of Governments (CAPCOG) has deployed Text to 9-1-1 service region wide. Text to 9-1-1 is the ability to send a cellphone text message to a local 9-1-1 call center. It is especially beneficial to those who are hard of hearing, deaf, or speech-impaired, but residents should only text 9-1-1 when calling 9- 1-1 is unsafe or not possible.
Examples of when texting 9-1-1 would be beneficial include:
- The caller cannot speak due to a threat, illness or medical condition
- The caller has poor reception and can only send text messages
- Phone lines and cellphone towers are overwhelmed and only texts can get through
Text to 9-1-1 only is available in English. However, 9-1-1 voice calls can be processed in multiple languages, because all CAPCOG 9-1-1 call centers provide emergency interpretive services. Text to 9-1-1 does not work if the sender texts using group messages, emojis, pictures or videos. Apps that text other app users (such as WhatsApp) or texting via social media (such as Facebook Messenger) do not support Text to 9-1-1.
The service is now activated on the four major cellphone service providers —Verizon Wireless, AT&T Mobility, Sprint, and T-Mobile — in Bastrop, Blanco, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Llano, Travis and Williamson counties. A full Q&A about text to 9-1-1, as well as helpful PSAs are available on CAPCOG’s Web site.
Property in the County/State/City
Someone’s property can only be in the city limits (ie: City of Austin) or outside city limits (County). If you are within a city limits, you have stricter zoning, are subject to City ordinances, and pay City taxes in order to receive city services like City Fire and Police. In the County, you do not have zoning and do not pay city taxes, but receive all County services such as Sheriff’s Office or Emergency Service Districts.
Roads in the County/State/City
If a roadway has a number in its name like RM2222, FM973, US183, then it is a State highway maintained by TxDOT. All other roads are either County or City depending on if the roadway is located within City limits or outside city limits.