IPM is an environmentally sensitive and low impact approach to pest management. Landscapes are monitored regularly, problems properly identified, severity considered, control options evaluated, and then, selected least-toxic controls are implemented.
Effective IPM includes:
- Accurately diagnosing pest problems before considering any treatment
- Using least-toxic solutions when addressing landscape problems
- Not applying fertilizer or pesticides before a rain
- Not killing every bug (95% of insects are not pests)
- Using pesticides as a last resort
- Always reading and following pesticide label instructions
- Encouraging beneficial insects
- Considering whether the soil is deficient in nutrients through chemical analysis, before applying fertilizer
Source: US Environmental Protection Agency: epa.gov
Texas A & M University conducts soil tests for a very nominal cost. Information and forms to submit can be found at: soiltesting.tamu.edu
Source: Grow Green: austintexas.gov/department/grow-green
Central Texas Gardening: centraltexasgardening.wordpress.com
Travis County maintains an IPM webpage at: travis-tx.tamu.edu/integrated-pest-management