Our Role
- Case Management Unit Officers provide direct and indirect supervision to defendants by monitoring defendants' court dates and bond conditions to assure court attendance and condition compliance.
- Case Management Officers connect defendants with resources in the community that will assist them in maintaining stability (treatment referrals and employment assistance resources).
- Case Management Officers provide information to the Courts about defendants' compliance with conditions of Personal Bond.
What We Offer
The purpose of the Supervision/Family Violence unit is to:
- Assure defendants are aware of and complying with any bond conditions, including counseling related conditions, set by the judge
- Assure defendants are aware of their court dates
- Notify the court of defendant’s compliance issues
- Assist defendants with resources in the community that will assist them in maintaining stability, such as treatment referrals and employment assistance resources
If you miss an appointment, call your officer and leave a voicemail. Your officer will contact you by phone or mail. If you do not hear back within 2 business days, please call back. Please DO NOT walk in unscheduled.
For more information please read the FAQs.